1 Tip I Would Give Someone Who Wanted To Get Started Working In
Do you want to get started working in Web3?
I have been in the space for a little over two years now. To work in this industry, you must be comfortable with change, constantly learn new things, and put your head down and focus.
So, here’s the one piece of advice I would give you if you wanted to pursue a similar career path:
Build and share
I recently mentioned that building is the fastest way to learn. Sharing is another key as well. If you take the time to explain what you are building, you will accomplish two goals.
- Your learning will be accelerated.
- You will start to build connections.
This second point is crucial to finding success in the tech space currently.
New hires are a risk for companies. Anything you can do to reduce that risk raises your chances of finding a job. Building up your brand through connection can help accomplish this. You become a known factor.
So, get out there and build and share!
Is this the same tip you would give a beginner in the Web3 space?
If not, what would be the best advice you would give?